September Wrap-Up

4 oktober 2016

It's currently raining outside, I'm wearing a big sweater and I have a steaming cup of tea sitting in front of me: it's autumn! I couldn't be happier, because there might be nothing I love more than autumn. I feel so much more myself while wearing sweaters, baking apple pies and walking through a very colorful forest, and I can't wait to see what this autumn will bring. 
September has been a weird and busy month for me. I did a lot of things that I wasn't able to do before (anxiety wise) and the biggest thing of all is that I started school again! I now take three classes at home: English, Math and History. It's been very challenging, because I haven't done any schoolwork for the past one, maybe two years, so I'm a bit out of it. My concentration gone after about five minutes, and it feels like everything I read just isn't saved in my brain. Let's hope that this will improve after a few weeks, but we'll see. 
I also participated in the #DiverseAThon last month (you can read my #DiverseAThon wrap-up here), and I loved every second of it. I really learned a lot, and I am determined to read more diversely in the future. 

  • The Kiss of Deception, by Mary E. Pearson - ★★★★★/5 stars
  • Electra, by Euripides - ★★/5 stars                                      
  • Everything Leads to You, by Nina LaCour - ★★★★/5 stars             
  • The Secret of Dreadwillow Carse, by Brian Farrey - ★★★★/5 stars
  • Some Kind of Happiness, by Claire Legrand - ★★★★★/5 stars   
  • Girl Against the Universe, by Paula Stokes - ★★★★/5 stars
  • George, by Alex Gino - ★★★★/5 stars
  • The Wrath and the Dawn, by Renee Adieh - ★★★/5 stars
  • The Heart of Betrayal, by Mary E. Pearson - ★★★★★/5 stars 
  • The Beauty of Darkness, by Mary E. Pearson - ★★★★/5 stars
It's quite a lot of books, but as you can see I gave most of them a very high rating, so I couldn't be happier. I also finally got around to reading The Kiss of Deception, and I marathoned the whole series afterwards. I was definitely kicking myself about not picking up this series sooner, because it was excellent. It might even be one of my favorite series. The world was so beautifully complex, and the main character was such a strong but kind female. But more on that in my review! (If I ever decide to write one. Oops.)

After reading such a huge amount of book in September, I find myself in a bit of a reading slump at the moment. I tried picking up The Rose and the Dagger, and a book I got for review, Heir of Thunder, but I just couldn't get into them. So, besides my listening to Pride and Prejudice, I'm not reading anything at the moment.
I did, however, start watching One Upon a Time again, after not watching for a few months. I find myself completely falling in love with it all over again. I am currently about halfway through season five, and I'm bracing myself for a certain character's dead. I got spoiled for it, and let me just tell you that I'M NOT READY. But I will never be, so I should just get it over with, I guess. 

Anyway, I hope you've all had a lovely September, and you'll have an amazing October!

2 opmerkingen :

  1. Congrats on going back to school! Autumn is my favorite time of year, too. The weather makes me happy and energetic. Have a great October!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thank you so much! It made me very happy and energetic too, until I got a cold D: Hope you'll have a great October too!
