Friday Finds (#1)

22 januari 2016

Friday finds is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading where you show the books you've recently added to your TBR, or books that you've recently purshased. 

I have been following Yvonne's blog aworldbetweenfoldedpages for a while now and I loved seeing her friday finds every week, so when I thought of what I could write about, this was the first thing that came to mind! 

My finds:  

The Looking Glass Wars (The Looking Glass Wars, #1)Golden BoySpinning ThornsIn Other WordsFablehaven (Fablehaven, #1)

What are your friday finds? 

2 opmerkingen :

  1. Awww, this is so sweet, Laura! ♥ Thanks for mentioning me, haha. :D

    "Spinning Thorns" and "Fablehaven" sound super interesting! I love retellings a loooot and haven't read any of Sleeping Beauty, I think? Definitely worth checking out! I hope you'll enjoy them!

    Yvonne @ A World Between Folded Pages

    1. You're welcome! :D
      I love retellings a lot as well! (as you can probably see) And I think a Sleeping Beauty retelling sounds really interesting! Thank you!
