#DiversityDecBingo TBR

30 november 2016

When I first heard of the #DiversityDecBingo readathon, I was a bit hesitant. I had just made up my mind about wanting to read less, and a readathon didn't really go with that. Besides, I participated in the #DiverseAThon and I didn't really love it, so why do another readathon?

But with December getting closer, I started feeling a bit more excited thinking about this readathon. You only have to read 5 books for this readathon, which is very do-able, and I love the whole bingo card thing! Besides that, I also follow the lovely people hosting this on Twitter, and they are so enthusiastic about it, that I couldn't help but be enthusiastic too.

So, if you didn't already know, here's how the #DiversityDecBingo is going to work: from the 25 squares pictured in the image above, you choose a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line. You read one book for each category in the line you've chosen. You have an entire month to complete these five books, because the readathon will start on December 1st, and end on December 31st. 

The line I chose is the second vertical line and these are the books I've picked:
Now, the thing is that I'm not 100% sure if the MC from The Forbidden Wish is Asian. I remember reading it somewhere, but if it turns out not to be true, I will put it down and pick up The Abyss Surrounds Us by Emily Skrutskie. 

So tell me, are you also participating in the #DiversityDecBingo readathon? If yes, what books are on your TBR?

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